GLA:D Arthritis Program East Bentleigh

GLA:D Exercise Program For Arthritis

GLA:D®, which stands for Good Life with osteoArthritis: Denmark, is an education and exercise program developed by researchers in Denmark for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis symptoms.

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Open 7:30 am to 8 pm weekdays and 8 am to 1 pm Saturdays

We’ll get you moving again •

Managing Osteoarthritis Effectively

Research from the GLA:D® program in Australia shows an average pain reduction of 36%, reduced analgesic consumption, reduction in perceived need for surgery, and clinically meaningful improvement in joint confidence.

GLA:D® Education and exercises provided can be applied to everyday activities, ensuring participants develop skills to self-manage their osteoarthritis. By strengthening and improving confidence with exercise, participants develop better capacity to become or stay active, prevent symptom progression and reduce pain.

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Why Choose Our GLA:D Program?

  • Pain Reduction: Specifically designed exercises to reduce osteoarthritis discomfort.
  • Reduced Medication Needs: Improved strength, improved joint function, lower pain levels.
  • Take Control Of Your Rehab: GLA:D exercises are designed for you to be able to continue in your own home with minimal equipment.
  • Improve Your Life Function: Start doing things again that you no longer thought were possible.
  • Delay/Avoid Surgery: join many of our clients that have happily called their surgeon with the good news!

Who is this program for?

The GLA:D Arthritis program is for anyone wanting to manage Arthritis pain. The most common programs we design are for people with:

Individuals experiencing osteoarthritis pain in their hip or knee.

Anyone seeking to improve their joint mobility and flexibility and functional ability.

People eager to learn self-management strategies for arthritis.

GLA:D Program Structure

Our GLA:D program is structured around your needs, with sessions typically running twice a week for six weeks. Each session includes a combination of practical exercises and educational discussions and tips, providing you with the tools and knowledge to manage your condition effectively.

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Enrol in our GLA:D Arthritis Program

Our team will then work with you to arrange a 1:1 session with one of our GLA:D physio’s and get you started on your journey.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Please wear loose and comfortable clothing. You will be doing a range of exercises, so you need to be comfortable.

    Absolutely. The program is designed to be able to be continued at home. Even if you don’t have equipment, our physio’s will show you a way to continue the key exercises with no equipment. Often all you need is a theraband to be able to complete many of the GLA:D exercises at home.

    Yes. Because our classes are run by physio’s, in small groups, and tailored for your own unique health condition, rebates should be available. Please check with your insurer to be sure.

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